Clarity Consulting er i vekst. Vårt mål er å bli et anerkjent konsulentselskap og et naturlig valg for kunder og partnere som trenger konsulenttjenester innen HCM Cloud og Oracle ERP. Vi ser etter personer med kompetanse innen følgende områder : HCM Cloud solutions Funksjonell og teknisk kompetanse innen Oracle ERP-systemer Hos…
Vi rekrutterer innen BI
Clarity Consulting er i vekst. Vårt mål er å bli Norges fremste konsulentselskap innen Microsofts BI-løsninger i Azure gjennom å skape forretningsverdi ved å utnytte ny teknologi innen bl.a. stordata (Big Data), maskinlæring, kunstig intelligens (AI) og tingenes internett (IoT) å bygge og utnytte datavarehus i skyen på Microsoft Azure-plattformen…
Hear Clarity Consulting at OHUG Global Conference 2019

The OHUG Global Conference 2019 The OHUG 2019 Global Conference will be June 9-12, 2019, at the Fort Worth, Texas. The Oracle HCM Users Group (OHUG) is an organization devoted exclusively to providing users with valuable insight into Oracle HCM applications. OHUG provides its members with in-depth training sessions from…
Careers: Join our team

We are always interested to get in touch with people who can strengthen our team and want to become part of our journey to provide our clients with Clarity. We offer: Good economic conditions with performance-based compensation Flexible and non-bureaucratic organization A strong academic environment with some of the most…
HCM Cloud: Steps to get “Reports & Analytics” Link under Tools menu

The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the steps to be followed to get access to “Reports and Analytics” link under Tools menu from Navigator in HCM Cloud Release 12 and 13. Even though you assign BI Administrator role to the user, the link doesn’t appear. Below are some…
SOA AQ Adapter with Oracle AQs

In this post I will discuss about how to dequeue messages from Oracle Advanced Queues using Oracle SOA AQ Adapter. The intension of this post is to understand Oracle SOA AQ Adapters. But as you need a queue to be dequeued, I will discuss about how to create custom queues,…
An example of integration using SOA

Create a SOA project that will accept order as an input and generate invoice as output. Step 1: Create a new SOA project and name it as order processing system. Note: In a SOA project if we want to communicate with an external program (SOA or any other technology) then…
Asynchronous vs Synchronous BPEL process in SOA

This article explains the difference between an asynchronous and a synchronous process with the help of a simple example below: Suppose there are two processes SynchronousBPELProcess and AsynchronousBPELProcess. Also, there is a third process which we’ll call as Client. The Client invokes the above processes. If client invokes SynchronousBPELProcess. Client…
Hello world BPEL project

Create a new SOA project that accepts a name as an input parameter and generates a wish as an output. For example Input username is Ravi Output is Hello Ravi SOA web service implementation: Step 1: Create a mew SOA project with name HelloWorld Click on new application and write…
Hear Clarity Consulting at OHUG Global Conference 2017

The OHUG Global Conference 2017 The OHUG 2017 Global Conference will be June 6-9, 2017, at the Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando. The Oracle HCM Users Group (OHUG) is an organization devoted exclusively to providing users with valuable insight into Oracle HCM applications. OHUG provides its members with in-depth training sessions…